Letters from the School

【School Guide】This is an introduction to the Japanese school system. Please use it for explanations when foreign children and students go to school (Japanese has furigana).

【News From the School】It is a template of “news” sent from the school.

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School Guide 学校ガイド

Notice from school 学校連絡文

2-1 School Entry Health Checkup 就学時健康診断のお知らせen-2-1.pdfen-2-1.doc
2-2 Entrance Ceremony 入学式のお知らせen-2-2.pdfen-2-2.doc
2-3 Child’s (Student’s) Family Background Questionnaire 児童(生徒)家庭調査票en-2-3.pdfen-2-3.docx
2-4 Payment of School Expenses 学校諸経費の口座振替による集金についてen-2-4.pdfen-2-4.docx
2-5 Personal Interview 個人面談のお知らせen-2-5.pdfen-2-5.doc
2-6 Swimming Classes 水泳学習のお知らせen-2-6.pdfen-2-6.doc
2-7 Swimming Card 水泳カードen-2-7.pdfen-2-7.docx
2-8 Endurance Running Training and Marathon Race 持久走指導・マラソン大会のお知らせen-2-8.pdfen-2-8.docx
2-9 School Trip 修学旅行のお知らせen-2-9.pdfen-2-9.doc
2-10 Cumulative Fund for School Trip 修学旅行費の積み立てについてen-2-10.pdfen-2-10.doc
2-11 Field Trip 校外学習のお知らせen-2-11.pdfen-2-11.docx
2-12 Sports Day 運動会のお知らせen-2-12.pdfen-2-12.docx
2-13 Post-graduation Guidance 進路説明会の開催についてen-2-13.pdfen-2-13.doc
2-14 Announcement of Payment 集金のお知らせen-2-14.pdfen-2-14.docx
2-15 Apply for JSC (JAPAN SPORT COUNCIL) "Injury and Accident Mutual Aid Benefit System"
2-16 Emergency ID Card for Child Pickup 災害時引渡しカードen-2-16.pdfen-2-16.doc
2-17 Home Visit 家庭訪問のお知らせen-2-17.pdfen-2-17.doc
2-18 Notice: Class observation for Parent 学習参観のお知らせen-2-18.pdfen-2-18.docx
2-19 Open School and Classroom Parents’ Meetings 学校公開及び学級懇談会についてen-2-19.pdfen-2-19.docx
2-20 Graduation Ceremony 卒業式のお知らせen-2-20.pdfen-2-20.doc
2-21 School Activities 行事開催案内en-2-21.pdfen-2-21.doc
2-22 Notice: Overdue Payment 集金納入のお願いen-2-22.pdfen-2-22.doc
2-23 Your Helping Hands Needed for PTA Volunteer Service PTA奉仕作業参加協力のお願いen-2-23.pdfen-2-23.doc
2-24 Response to Approaching Typhoon 台風の接近に伴う対応についてen-2-24.pdfen-2-24.doc

Healthcare 保健関係

3-1 Routine Health Checkup 定期健康診断のお知らせせen-3-1.pdfen-3-1.doc
3-2 Urine Test 尿検査のお知らせen-3-2.pdfen-3-2.doc
3-3 Questionnaire on Food Allergy 食物アレルギーに関する調査表en-3-3.pdfen-3-3.doc
3-4 Health Assessment Form 保健調査票en-3-4.pdfen-3-4.doc
3-5 Assessment of Musculoskeletal System 運動器検診 保健調査票en-3-5.pdfen-3-5.docx
3-6 The Report on Assessment of Musculoskeletal System 運動器健診結果のお知らせen-3-6.pdfen-3-6.docx
3-7 Temporary Suspension from Attending School 出席停止についてen-3-7.pdfen-3-7.doc
3-8 Temporary Suspension from Attending School (seasonal influenza)
3-9 Certificate of Permission to Attend School 登校許可証明書en-3-9.pdfen-3-9.doc
3-10 Ears, Nose and Throat (ENT) Check-up 耳鼻咽喉科検診のお知らせen-3-10.pdfen-3-10.doc
3-11 Notice on the Result of a Regular Medical Examination (Internal Medicine Check-up)
3-12 Notice on the Result of a Regular Medical Examination (Dental Examination)
3-13 Notice on the Result of a Regular Medical Examination
3-14 Notice on the Result of a Regular Medical Examination (Ophthalmology)
3-15 Questionnaire about Heart Disease – Testing with 4-lead type ECG Recorders
(for Elementary School or Junior High School Students)
3-16 Implementation of Tuberculosis Screening (Request) 結核検診の実施について(お願い)en-3-16.pdfen-3-16.doc
3-17 Student tuberculosis medical interview sheet 児童生徒結核検診問診票en-3-17.pdfen-3-17.xls
3-18 Tuberculosis screening auxiliary inquiry 結核検診補助質問en-3-18.pdfen-3-18.docx
3-19 Subject: Color Vision Inspection 色覚の検査についてen-3-19.pdfen-3-19.docx
3-20 Subject: Report for color vision test result 色覚検査結果のお知らせen-3-20.pdfen-3-20.docx

Glossary 用語集